Thursday, September 11, 2014

Prank or Joke?

If you were part of the clan in Pickle, what prank or joke would you pull?  Post it as a comment to share with our QUEST crew!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I would put sticky notes all over the principles office.

  3. I would bubble rap all the 4th grade classrooms.

  4. I would set all the clocks an hour early so we could leave school early!! :)

  5. If I had a sleepover me and my friend would draw a mustache on there sibling

  6. I would hide books from the library on different shelves! - Nate

  7. If I played a prank on the school, I would create an obstacle course from the front office through each pod. Teachers and students would complete the course in order to get into their classroom. A prize would be left for each teacher in their room... Sonic or Starbuck's gift cards, of course!

  8. Katie, I like your idea (especially before a long break, like Thanksgiving, winter, spring, and the last day of school)!

  9. Ava -

    Would you create a design/message with the sticky notes to Mrs. Bustillos?

    Ms. Ruder

    1. Ya, it could be my way of getting the credit. The mark would represent my club/pranks.

  10. Aryana,

    Does that include the teacher? :) Students?

    Ms. Ruder

  11. Nate,

    Who do you think would be more upset... Mrs. Guerrero or the students of Spears?

    Ms. Ruder

  12. I would put signs up on every door saying school is closed due to a virus that is going around.---Jackson

  13. Jackson,

    How would you make your sign look "official", and not just a prank that would upset the FISD administration?

    Ms. Ruder

    1. I would make the signs actually look realistic and then sign by maybe the FISD,or the PTA.

  14. I would unplug all the computers' mouse and keyboard.

  15. I would put slime in the principal's office. The slime would be made out of cornstarch, one cup of water, and food coloring.(GREEN!)

    1. If I were to do a prank I would put a bunch of pails filled with goo and put them on the hallway ceiling in pod 3 with a string tied to the handles that hangs down below the ceiling that has a note taped to it that says PULL then put the tile for the ceiling back up and loosen it a little so that when someone pulls on the string they would get poured on with goo!

  16. If I were to do a prank, I would make a fake note saying that there was no school the next day because they needed an extra day of planning for new work and sorry for short notices and put it on the principal's desk. Since she might ask other schools about it, I would "sign" the note by "the director of FISD."

  17. If I were to do a prank, I would buy a lot of worms and let them all loose in the Pod 2 and Pod 3 bathroom sinks.

    ( I would leave Pod 1 alone so people could still use the restroom.)

    I would then sign the note with a worm picture but I would handle it with gloves so that they couldn't get my fingerprints.

  18. I would bring a cellphone to class and get my mom to call it. Then I would pretend it was Mrs. Bustillos calling with a message for our teacher. I would tell our teacher that Mrs Bustillos said that we should play kickball for the rest of the day.

  19. I would activate the fire alarm during a "restroom break" and stop class if I was having a big problem in a quiz, test, CBA, etc.

  20. What I would do is but a bucket of ice cold water on top of each door and wait for someone to come in and once the water falls I will set off the fire alarm on a cold day so they would be so cold

  21. I would put a "no school" sign at all the entrances so people would think that schools canceled.

  22. I would put silly string all over the principal's office!
